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Greer Residents are Concerned!

On our 2023 Membership Form, we asked the question: “What issues or concerns are important to you right now for the community of Greer?” Here are your answers (in random order):

“Zoning and non-enforcement of zoning!”

“I support your efforts the past year!”

“The tendency of larger acreages being subdivided into residential subdivisions.”

“Steel shipping containers, manufactured housing.”

“Maintaining the unique character of Greer!”

“The dead, fallen and standing trees in the forest surrounding the downtown; enforcement of codes.”

“Keep corporate interests at a minimum, so no more “high intensity rental cabins” typically on far less than one acre.

“Zoning ordinances (keeping Greer quaint) while also improving infrastructure for fire danger.”

“Homeowners insurance increases and difficulty getting insurance.”

“Continue the walking path to the lakes.”

“Short term rentals.”

“Hello thank you for your work. I am sickened by the box cars in the meadow. Wondering what role the coalition played in trying to stop that cancer?”

“Land use and maintaining Greer’s character and appeal.”

“Want restrictive zone to protect the essence of Greer. Block Greer Lodge Resort from further ugly blight box cars! Anything to inhibit Greer Lodge Development.”

“Better fishing.”

“Forestry and water.”

“Keeping it the way it is!”

“Traffic speed limits.”

Please reach out to us with any other issues that are on your mind. We are striving

to create a voice for a connected, collaborative community of people!

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